Succeed on Amazon

Grow and manage your reviews with automated requests.

We'll handle the whole process for you

Hire our Virtual Assistants

Our team of virtual assistants will use email automation to get the results you need fast and efficiently. Whether it's finding the right people to send your book to, or sending out email reminders, our team is here to make it fast and easy.

Automated Review Requests

Optimised email invitations followed up by scheduled email reminders ensures the normal response rates from readers are improved by as much as 10 times!

How it works


Selected Readers

Our virtual assistants will research our large database of book reviewers based on their favorite genres and review history.


Automated Requests

Over 2-3 weeks, friendly email invitations and reminders are sent asking to purchase and post a review of your book on Amazon.


Verified Reviews

A dedicated virtual assistant will check to see all Amazon Verified Reviews are delivered. You are then asked to check this yourself.

Why Our Method Works So Well.

it’s not about finding reviews, it’s about finding reviewers

  • We look for the reviewers most likely to read and review your book. Instead of sending out a mass mail to anybody, we focus on the most relevant readers.
  • Your book is matched to those who read in the same genre, and with a solid review history.
  • We then send them an email invitation with reminders, just like Amazon and other approved affiliates do.
  • Fully compliant with Amazon’s own practices and policies.

This is the average response rate we get. Please note your results may differ.

original email requests
5% - 15%
initial response
20% - 35%
after 2 reminders

Download your free guide now!

If you wish a more detailed understanding of how to get Amazon book reviews today, this is it. Download and discover the right and wrong way to get reviews.