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The Book Review Service for Authors and Small Publishers

We created kbookreview to solve one simple problem: how to automate the out-dated, pain-taking, and time-consuming manual process of getting Amazon reviews.


Hello, fellow author. Does this problem sound familiar?

  • You've started looking for book reviews, with little success.
  • Experts recommend using your author platform, but you don't have an email list of readers.
  • You added a review request in your book, and run some free book promotions, but still no results.

What's the answer?

Automated review requests.

Save Hours Of Your Day

Concentrate on what you do best

Automated review requests get the results you need without the heavy time commitment.

Let us streamline all the work you do.

From finding new readers to sending them copies of your book for reviews.
Discover Our Review Automation

Get Feedback

Get free feedback from our support team on better ways to find new sales and reviews for your book. We will send you recommendations and useful resources, and post new blogs to help you further.

Monitor Amazon Reviews

Get a detailed overview of your reviews including dates, ratings, reviewer names, review title and body.

Filter and analyze this feedback in an excel file so you can order your reviews by date, rating etc.
More about Review Monitoring